Monday, December 3, 2007


I have the best husband in the world. Almost 2 years ago Steve bought me a dog for my birthday; he was a happy little gift in a not so happy time in our lives. He has proved to be the best present ever. He is the most mild mannered, sweet little dog. Here are some pictures I got of him sleeping on Steve's lap the other night. It proves I'm not the only one who adores him!


KASEY said...

What a cute little furball!

Amanda said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. I don't think I have your new address. Could you e-mail it to me? My e-mail is amanda.bloomfield at gmail dot com. Just take out the spaces and add the appropriate punctuation!

Thorey said...

What kind of a dog is that? He looks a little like a clumber spaniel -- he's super cute. I wish Brian would let me get a dog! (but, I suppose we probably should get a house first, huh?) :)

Leah Dozier said...

he is a pekingese, just a white one.

josh stubbs said...
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josh stubbs said...

What does the fish say when he swims into a cement wall?
What does the dam say back?
Dumb bass