Saturday, December 13, 2008

Triathlon, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Sushi

I had to make this an all encompassing post, since I haven't updated in way too long.

This is a picture of Me & Steve and our fabulous friends, Rhett & Julie. Julie convinced me to try my first triathlon this year, I then convinced Steve. The biking and running, no worries. Swimming??? Yeah, that was my struggle. I only got in a pool about 6 times before the triathlon, so I have tons of room to improve. It was lots of fun and I'm sure I'll do more next year. Steve is a much better swimmer and biker, but he hates running. The only place I beat him was in the running, he killed my times on the bike and in the water. I'm just really proud of him for doing it.

Yep, he's a boy and my mom made him a tutu. He always stands like this, so the tutu was very fitting.

This is my nephew Soren. He is incredibly cute, and I think I'm the only one who got a decent picture of him.

Colby (Ghost Rider), Marissa (Hannah Montana), and Colin (ironman). We had a great Halloween this year, I believe it should always land on a Friday. Whenever we asked him to, Colin would straighten his arms and legs and pretend he was flying like Ironman. It was hilarious

Yeah, I didn't take any pictures. But we went to Audrey and Paul's house with my parents, sister and her family. It was great, good food, great people and I only had to travel 5 minutes to get there. Hailey and I made 8 pies, so we had tons of leftovers. My favorite this year was the blackberry, mmmmm, I need to make another one soon.

Last weekend we went to our friends house (Julie & Rhett from above mentioned tri). Rhett lured us there with his tempting sushi rolls. Well tempting for Steve. My former sushi roll experience was terrible, not very good fish. My friends from high school are probably thinking "Leah likes sushi??Fish??What?" But I have expanded my eating beyond quesadillas and fries. Anyway, I was excited to have the company so I went along. Turns out Rhett makes a mean sushi roll. I really liked it. He made some tempura fried carrots and shrimp. He used the shrimp in his spicy roll which was awesome. My favorite was the one with cucumber and avocado, it tasted so fresh & yummy. So thanks guys, it was a great night. Oh, and this picture isn't one I took, I just found it online.


Julie Olson said...

You're awesome. I'll tell Rhett you posted about the sushi since our last sushi guests failed to appreciate the trouble he went to for them and didn't even care to mention it. (But you know you didn't HAVE to post about it...we knew you liked it)

Leah Dozier said...

I thought Rhett deserved some praise!

Trena said...

You forgot that you would only eat french fries without any brown spots on them!! Way to go on the triathlon! I'm running a 5k as soon as this baby gets out of me!

Leah Dozier said...

I love that you remembered that Trena!

Katie said...
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Katie said...

Trena's memory is astonishing...

Congrats on your triathlon! That's a great accomplishment! I'm so immpressed that Steve did it with you, how fun! Skippy and I have just started a family running routine- I have a long way to go before a triathlon, though:)

KASEY said...

Wow, I never imagined you would eat Sushi! So cool on the triathalon. Even more cool that Steve did it with you!