Colin had his birthday last week. My baby is 6 years old:-( I can't believe it. We went to a movie, the pool and a few friends got to have a sleep over.
He is going into first grade this year...."sigh" I am not okay having my kids grow up so fast.
Anyone who knows Colin knows he is a mini Steve. Although I'm not sure where his hunting fascination and tracking animals comes from, I blame that one on Utah.
He is the funniest kid and he keeps me smiling, just like his Dad. Last week I was baking cookies for our usual Sunday evening cookie fest. Colin saw the cookies come out of the oven and started singing "cookies come to me! My cookies come to me!" Funny, at least to those who were present, he had us all cracking up.
This morning he asked me, "Mom, is there going to be a storm?" I answered yes because of the wind and dark clouds (we had a lot of wind & lightning last night). He said, "Oh, I'm not scared though, it's funny, I was scared when I was five, but now that I'm six, I'm not scared anymore!"
I love this boy.